
Showing posts from November, 2014

Are you really getting free insurance as offered by Automobile Companies in their advertisements

Whether advertisements like "Free Insurance" not misleading advertisements? Now a days there is flood of advertisements by Automobile companies offering free insurance. Even there is a recent  advertisement which offers free insurance for 3 years. Now lets see whether it is really a free insurance or is being paid by you and still you being mislead through such advertisement. 1. One of the condition for any product to be covered for insurance is payment of premium. Hence there is no term like free insurance. Insurance is a matter of risk and no risk is covered unless and until a premium is paid. 2. I have every reason to believe that the prices are build up with insurance premium and offered to buyer as free insurance. I have negotiated with the dealer who offered free insurance at the first instance and then later on agreed to give an amount of Rs. 18,000/- if I do not accept their offer of free insurance. It clearly proves that the price of the car was built up wit...